Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 0 - Step 1: Acknowledgement

Today I watched this video and related far too much too it -

I related to her statements (even said them many times myself) I empathized with the feeling of helplessness and loss of self control BUT by looking at it objectively I now understand how insane it sounds. The solution is so simple - then why does this seem so hard? I feel like an alcoholic but with food. I am powerless. I HATE the idea that I do not have control over my body. I'm going to have to swallow my pride and admit to the following statements:

- I have NO control over myself when I comes to food.
- I am completely uneducated when it comes to calories
- I have am an over eater
- I am an emotional eater
- I am over weight and am NOT okay with it
- I feel self consious about the way I look
- I am tired of tring and giving up
- I want RESULTS
- I am DONE with crash dieting, pills, starving myself & overly working out
- I am ready to make a LIFE change - not just a DIET change

Well Today is finally said ENOUGH! Enough feeling shitty about how I look. Hiding my body, feeling embarrassed. Enough trying half way through a exercise plan and giving up. Today I said Fuck It! I'm going for it all the way. Yes I've tried crash dieting, I've tried cleansers, I've tried exercising. My problem is: Over Eating and Consistency. But that's in the past - Today I can move FORWARD - Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. One that I have control over and confidence. I decided to blog about it as I don't feel like doing this alone. Maybe someone out there will read this and say - Hey, I can relate. Do this with me!!